Derby and District Astronomical Society

NGC Objects

Not otherwise listed as Messier or Caldwell Objects

[Gallery Page]

NGC 206
NGC 281  The Pacman Nebula
NGC 1499  The California Nebula
NGC 1501  The Oyster Nebula
NGC 1502
NGC 1528
NGC 1893
NGC 1931
NGC 1977  The Running Man Nebula
NGC 2024  The Flame Nebula
NGC 2169  The '37' Cluster
NGC 2174  The Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 2264  The Christmas Tree Cluster, Cone Nebula & Fox Fur Nebula
NGC 2266
NGC 2355
NGC 2371 and NGC2372
NGC 2420
NGC 3628
NGC 6781
NGC 6823
NGC 6940
NGC 6979  The Central Veil Nebula
NGC 7789  Caroline's Rose
