Derby and District Astronomical Society

NGC 2174
The Monkey Head Nebula

Emission Nebula in Orion
RA 06h 09m 42s  Dec +20° 30' 00"

[NGC Index]

This image of the Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174) and associated star cluster NGC 2175 was taken by Mike Lancaster on the 25th January 2023. It is comprised of 20 x 4 minute subs taken using a Mallincam Universe colour camera at 22 dB gain through an Orion Optics UK AG12 astrograph, 0.95x Wynne Corrector and Astronomik CLS-CCD filter. This setup was guided on an EQ8 mount with PHD2 using an SXV Lodestar camera through a piggybacked ST-80. The images were stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and processed in Nebulosity.  Image Credit: Mike Lancaster.

Adrian Brown captured this false colour image of emission nebula NGC 2174 in Orion on the 29th October 2008 using narrowband filters. This object is nicknamed the Monkey Head Nebula because depending on how you orientate the image you can see the face of a monkey. Adrian chose a 'north' down orientation because the face seemed more prominent to him. Can you see the monkey face? The technical details for this image are: 7 x 20 minutes through a 6nm Astronomik Hydrogen-Alpha filter. 6 x 20 minutes through a 13nm Astronomik OIII filter. Skywatcher 80ED Pro refractor @ f/6 using a William Optics 0.8x focal reducer. ATIK ATK16HR CCD camera. Maxim DL 4.53 was used to calibrate and stack the raw exposures. Registar 1.0 was used to align the hydrogen-alpha and oxygen III data. Photoshop CS2 was used to process the stacked data and a false colour image was created by assigning the hydrogen-alpha data to the red channel, and the oxygen III data to the blue channel. Noel Carboni's Photoshop Actions were used to create a synthetic green channel.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
