Derby and District Astronomical Society

Derby Astronomy Week
17th - 24th April 1984

[Past Activities]

The Derby & District Astronomical Society celebrated it's 10th anniversary by holding Derby Astronomy Week from the 17th-24th April 1984. This kicked off with a lecture by Patrick Moore at Derby College of Higher Education on the 17th April, and continued with an exhibition put on by the Society at Derby Museum. Here are some photos of these activities taken by DDAS member Mike Lancaster.

Patrick Moore poses for a portrait photo after giving his lecture at Derby College of Higher Education on the evening of the 17th April 1984.

The Society's 12" Newtonian reflector, designed by Ed Spooner, on display at Derby Musuem in April 1984, some years before being installed as the first telescope in the Flamsteed Observatory.

Next two photos: A model of the Space Shuttle by Mike Lancaster, and Gemini spacecraft and Saturn V models by Mike O'Key, on display at Derby Musuem in April 1984.
