Derby and District Astronomical Society

The 2004 Transit of Venus from Egypt

[2004 Venus Transit main page]

The following sequence of images were taken by Mike Lancaster on the 8th June 2004 from the Ocean Club Hotel in Sharm el Sheikh, at the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula in Egypt. He used a Meade ETX-90 with a BCF white light solar filter, and a hand-held Olympus Camedia C-4000 zoom camera using eyepiece projection from a Meade 40 mm super Plossl.

05:24 UTC

05:28 UTC

05:37 UTC

05:37 UTC in close up

05:41 UTC

06:39 UTC

07:07 UTC

08:27 UTC

09:12 UTC

11:00 UTC

11:02 UTC

11:03 UTC

11:03 UTC in close up

11:04 UTC

11:11 UTC

11:19 UTC

11:21 UTC

The Meade ETX-90 telescope used in the observations. The BBC were with us for the event, and one of their crew nearly knocked my telescope into the pool when he walked past!

English man abroad. Temperatures soared to 43°C by the end of the transit, nearly cooking both telescope and observer. Silly hat and copious amounts of mineral water were essential!

[2004 Venus Transit main page]
