Derby and District Astronomical Society

Venus in 2007

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This image of Venus was captured by Barry Ashforth on the 9th November 2007.

Malcolm Neal took this picture of Venus near the Pleiades on the 11th April 2007. The image is a stack of five 4 second exposures taken through a Canon EOS 300D camera with a zoom lens at 75 mm on an unguided mount. Malcolm used Registax then sharpened the final image a little in PSP.

Simon Allcock took this picture of the 2.6 day old Moon and Venus on the 21st March 2007. He used a Fuji FinePix A330 camera. The exposure was 1/2 second at 100 ASA.

This lovely picture by Malcolm Neal shows Venus and the 1.6 day old Moon and was taken around 19:00 UT on the 20th March 2007. Malcolm used a Canon EOS 300D camera with a zoom lens at 75 mm and f/4. Exposure time was 1/25 s at 800 ASA. Earthshine - light reflected from Earth onto the Moon - is clearly visible on the dark side.

Barry Ashorth captured this image of a gibbous Venus during daylight on the 6th March 2007.

This picture of Venus and Mercury was taken by Barry Ashforth on the 3rd February 2007.

Simon Allcock took this picture of the Moon and Venus over his new observatory on the 21st January 2007 using a Fuji Finepix A330 digital camera. You can just make out some Earthshine on the night side of the Moon.
