Derby and District Astronomical Society

Total Solar Eclipse
Monday, 21st August 2017


Neil Breakwell took the following image of the diamond ring at 3rd contact during the total eclipse of 21st August 2017 from Teton Village, about 12 miles north of Jackson, Wyoming. Neil used a Canon EOS-300D camera with a Tamron 70mm to 300mm zoom (set at 300mm), ISO 200, f/16 and a 1/250 second exposure. The second image is a close-up of the first.  Image Credit: Neil Breakwell.

The following animated GIF sequence of the total solar eclipse of 21st August 2017 was taken by Pete Hill from the Snake River Ranch between Jackson and Teton Village, Wyoming. The partial eclipse phases were taken with a Canon 450D and 500mm Sigma zoom lens at F8, ISO 400, and a Baader ND5 solar filter with an exposure of 1/4000s. Baileys Beads, the corona and diamond ring employed no solar filter and were taken at F8, ISO 400 and an exposure of 1/200s. The prominences and chromosphere were also taken without a solar filter at F8, ISO 400, and exposure of 1/2500s.  Image Credit: Pete Hill.
