Derby and District Astronomical Society


The Bull

This image taken by Steven Chambers in January 2017 shows the bright star Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) at top left, with the Hyades star cluster below it, and the Plieades at the top right of the frame. Steven used an un-tracked Canon EOS 550d DSLR at 100 mm focal length. The image comprises 60 x 4 second lights, 10 darks, and 10 bias frames. Processed in Pipp and stacked in DSS. Luminosity and colour stretching in Photoshop 6. Cropped to a long image.  Image © Steven Chambers.

DDAS member Chris newsome took this picture of Aldebaran and the Plieades (at upper left over the buildings) while at an observing session with the Basingstoke Astronomical Society on the 26th March 2009. He had given a presentation to that society earlier the same evening. Chris used a Canon 400D camera to take the picture.  Image © Chris Newsome.

Barry Ashforth took this picture of Taurus including the Hyades and Pleiades on the 28th September 2006 at around 02:00 UT from the dark skies of North Wales.  Image © Barry Ashforth.

The following image of Taurus was taken by Chris Newsome on the 4th November 2005. The bright star Aldebaran can be seen in the upper half of the picture, together with the Hyades star cluster. He used a Canon EOS 300D camera with a 55mm lens and skyglow filter, piggybacked on a driven Celestron C6N telescope. He also used DSLRFocus to focus the image. The image comprises 3x60sec exposures at 1600 ASA which were stacked and dark subtracted in K3CCDTools. The resulting 16-bit TIFF file was processed in Photoshop v9 (CS2) using RGB levels and curves before conversion to JPEG.  Image © Chris Newsome.

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