Derby and District Astronomical Society

The Sun in 2022


Pete Hill captured the following images of the Sun in Ha on the 12th August 2022. He used a Coronado PST solar scope on an HEQ5Pro mount tracking at the solar rate. A DMK41 mono CCD camera was used to take the images, with a 2x Barlow lens employed for the close ups of prominences. 1000 frame video capture was used, then Auto-Stakkert to stack the best 500 frames. The wavelets function in Registax 6 was used and then final processing and colourising in Photoshop CS6. The top image shows the full disc with prominences, the middle image the mid-left side of the solar disc and the third image the lower right hand side prominences in close up.   Images Credit: Pete Hill.

The following four images of the sun were captured in a variety of different wavelengths by Pete Hill on the 10th July 2022. They show two large sunspots on sun with minor ones heading to the right hand edge. The top image shows the sun's full disk and was taken using a DMK41 mono CCD camera with x0.5 focal reducer and Baader continuum filter, using a Herschel wedge through a Sky-watcher ST102 telescope on an HEQ5 Pro mount tracking at the solar rate. The second image employed the same setup but a x2 Barlow was added to get a close up on the lower sunspot AR3055. In the third image the continuum filter was swapped with a Ca K filter. Finally, the fourth image employs the same camera and x2 Barlow, but mounted on a Coronado PST telescope piggy backed on the Skywatcher ST102 to image the sunspot with associated filaments in H alpha.   Images Credit: Pete Hill.

Pete Hill captured the following three images of the sun in three different wavelengths on the 22nd June 2022. The top image shows the sun in visible light. It shows the top of the photosphere at 5500 °C and was captured using a Sky-watcher ST102 telescope with a Herschel wedge, ND3 filter, and DMK41 mono CCD camera with 0.5x focal reducer and solar continuum filter. Pete used a stack of the best 500 frames from 1000. The middle image shows the bottom of chromosphere at 6000 °C taken in calcium light. The setup was as for the visible Sun but with the continuum filter replaced with a Baader Calcium K line filter. Finally the bottom image shows the Sun taken in hydrogen alpha, towards the top of chromosphere at 50,000 ° C. For the hydrogen alpha image Pete used the DMK41 mono CCD camera attached to a Coronado PST solar scope, piggy backed on an ST102 telescope mounted on an HEQ5 pro mount, and tracking at the solar rate. The best 500 of 1000 frames were stacked for the hydrogen alpha image. In the hydrogen alpha image, besides sunspots, some filaments are visible across the sun's surface, as well as small prominences.   Images Credit: Pete Hill.
