Derby and District Astronomical Society

The Sun in 2021


This image of the Sun in H-alpha was captured by Pete Hill on the 7th September 2021. It was taken with a Coronado PST scope using a DMK41 mono CCD camera, and tracked on an HEQ5 Pro mount. The best 50% of 1000 frames were stacked in AutoStakkert 3, processed using wavelets in Registax 6 and finished in PS6.   Image Credit: Pete Hill.

For DDAS member Pete Hill, Friday 29th May 2021 offered clear skies, with no haze or high cirrus. So he took the opportunity for some solar observing. Unfortunately, the sun was not very active with only two small prominences and an emerging sunspot AR2827 which was only just discernible visually. All shots were taken with a DMK41 mono CCD camera, 1000 frames, stacking the best 50% in Autstakkert3, wavelets in Registax 6 and final tweak and colorising in Photoshop CS6. The H alpha was taken using a Coronado PST, and the close up of the sunspot with a x2 Barlow. The Calcium K was taken with a with sky Watcher 102 refractor, Herschel wedge, and a 3.0 ND filter and Baader Ca K filter with 0.5xfocal reducer, the closeup being without a focal reducer. The white light use the same setup as the Ca K except for a Baader continuum filter instead of a Ca K filter.   Images Credit: Pete Hill.

H Alpha

Ca K

White Light

Sunspot in H Alpha

Sunspot in Ca K

Sunspot in white light
