Derby and District Astronomical Society
Saturn in 2005
Saturn shines brightly near the Beehive Cluster (M44) in this image by Chris Newsome taken around 05:00 UT on the
7th December 2005. The image was taken with a Canon EOS300D camera piggybacked to a driven Celestron C6-N and fitted with a Skyglow filter.
The image is comprised of five 180 second frames at 800ASA which were stacked in Maxim DL and then processed in CS2. The open cluster M67
lies near the bottom of the picture, directly below Saturn. |
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Barry Ashforth captured the following image of Saturn on the 19th November 2005. |
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The following two images of Saturn were captured by Simon Allcock on the 19th November 2005. The one on the
left was taken at 01.11 UT and is a stacked composite of the best 243 frames out of a total 1539. The one on the right uses a 2x Barlow
lens and is a stacked composite of the best 657 frames out of a total of 1364. In both cases the images were stacked in K3CCD Tools and
processed in Photoshop v9. Both images were taken with a Meade LPI camera and LX90 telescope. |
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The following image of Saturn was taken by Simon Allcock at 03.30 UT on the 5th November 2005. Simon used his
Meade LX90, a 2x times Barlow lens and an LPI camera. The image is a composite of 1200 frames, stacked in K3CCDTools and processed in Photoshop
v9. Simon thanks Chris Newsome for his help with the LPI on the night, and Adrian Brown for his guidance and patience whilst processing the
images! |
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Simon Allcock captured the following image of Saturn on the 10th May 2005 using a Meade LPI camera and 2x Barlow
through his Meade LX-90 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. The image was processed using Photoshop. |
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The following image of Saturn was captured by Adrian Brown
through a 5" Celestron NexStar SCT at f/20 using an ATK-1C camera at 20:57 UT on the 1st April 2005 from Madog's Wells in Powys, Wales. It is a composite of 500 frames stacked using
K3CCDTools. |
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The following image of Saturn was captured by Adrian Brown
through his 11-inch Celestron CGE at f/20 using a 2x Barlow and an ATK-1C camera on
30th January 2005 at around 21:49 UT. It is a stacked composite of 809 images. Note the shadow of the planet on
the rings now that Saturn is moving away from opposition. There is also a hint of some
colouration at the south pole of the planet, showing a green cap with an orange
band surrounding it. Adrian comments: 'The Saturn image is a bit grainy because I was having trouble with the
scope dewing over and I had to turn the camera’s gain up to get a decent signal strength. This had the side effect
of increasing the noise in the raw images. A shame really as the seeing conditions on that night were very good and
it could have been a really sharp and detailed image.'. |
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The following incredible image of Saturn was captured by Adrian Brown
through his 11-inch Celestron CGE at f/20 using a 2x Barlow and an ATK-1C camera on
19th January 2005 at around 21:45 UT. He captured 4500 frames at 15fps with a shutter
speed of 1/25s and then stacked the best 450 with K3CCDTools. Sharpening and colour
correction was performed using Adobe Photoshop 7. This image
made Picture Of The
Week on the British Astronomical Association (BAA)
website on the 17th January 2005. |
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The following image of Saturn was captured by Chris Newsome
through his Meade ETX-105 using a 2x Barlow and a Meade LPI camera on
21st January 2005 at around 22:00 UT. It is constructed from 500 frames stacked and aligned
with K3CCDTools and processed in Adobe Photoshop. |
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