Derby and District Astronomical Society
The Hunter
This image of the constellation of Orion was obtained on January 15th 2024 by Peter Branson, and is a single image of 25 seconds taken with a Cannon EOS1100D camera. The original image was imported into PixInsight and lightened slightly to enhance some of the colour in the scene. Image credit: Peter Branson. |
Orion peeps out from behind a tree in this image taken by Steven Chambers in January 2017 from Wooler, Northumberland. It was taken direct with a Canon 550d camera modified for astrophotography and un-tracked. A 150mm focal length lens was used. The image comprises 20 x 5 second exposures and 5 darks at ISO 800. Processed in Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop 6. Image credit: Steven Chambers. |
Chris Newsome captured this view of the winter sky including Orion on the 29th December 2014 by the A57 at Ladybower Reservoir looking towards the Snake Pass and Manchester. It contains at least nine and a half constellations! Jupiter is to the upper left together with part of Leo, Hydra below that, and Cassiopeia to the upper right. The FOV diagonally across the frame is about 180deg. Taken with a Canon 40D, 8mm full frame fisheye lens, 4x30secs at ISO1600 (plus darks), stacked in DSS, processed in CS6. The slight Akira Fujii effect was created using IRIS software. You may have to scroll to see the whole picture! Image credit: Chris Newsome. |
Orion glitters through the sodium lit clouds and tree branches in this picture taken at the Flamsteed Observatory on the 21st February 2009 by Chris Newsome. He used a Canon 400D camera, 18 mm lens, and 30 seconds at 800ASA. Image credit: Chris Newsome. |
Chris Newsome took this image of Orion rising through the sodium lit sky glow of Derby from the Society's Flamsteed Observatory on the 22nd November 2008, with a Canon 400D camera, 18 mm lens, and 30 seconds at 800ASA. Image credit: Chris Newsome. |
Barry Ashforth took this picture of Orion on the 28th September 2006 at around 02:00 UT from the dark skies of North Wales. Image credit: Barry Ashforth. |
The following image of Orion was taken by Chris Newsome on the 4th November 2005. He used a Canon EOS 300D camera with a 55mm lens and skyglow filter, piggybacked on a driven Celestron C6N telescope. He also used DSLRFocus to focus the image. The image comprises 3x60sec exposures at 1600 ASA which were stacked and dark subtracted in K3CCDTools. The resulting 16-bit TIFF file was processed in Photoshop v9 (CS2) using RGB levels and curves before conversion to JPEG. Image credit: Chris Newsome. |
Chris Newsome took the following picture of Orion rising over the rooftops of Allestree in Derby on the 8th January 2005. He used a Minolta Z2 digital camera piggybacked on an equatorially mounted Meade ETX-105, a 30 second exposure at 400ASA and a 38 mm focal length. The final image was processed in Photoshop 7. Image credit: Chris Newsome. |
The following picture shows the Sword of Orion taken by Chris Newsome on the 6th January 2005 using a Minolta Z2 digital camera at 200 ASA. It is a combination of four 30 second exposures. Image credit: Chris Newsome. |