Derby and District Astronomical Society

Neptune in 2015

These images of the planet Neptune and its moon, Triton, were taken by Peter Branson on the evenings/nights of September 10th and 12th 2015 as the planet was moving through the constellation of Aquarius. The left-hand photo is made up from a stack of five 300 second images and the right-hand photo is made up from a stack of nine 60 second images. The right-hand image (better focus) clearly shows how far Triton has moved in its orbit around Neptune - Triton has an orbital period of almost 6 days (141 hours). The photos were taken with an ATIK 314L+ colour CCD camera attached to TS Photoline ED102 refractor telescope with field-flattener and Hutech IDAS light pollution filter attached. The telescope was guided using an Orion Mini autoguider controlled by PHD software. The images were stacked and further processed with 'curves' and 'levels' in Nebulosity and the final image here was produced in Gimpshop.  Image © Peter Branson.

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