Derby and District Astronomical Society

Museum of Making, Derby - Wednesday 9th October 2024

On Wednesday 9th October 2024, DDAS members, in collaboration with Derby Museums, put on another evening of talks, exhibits and stargazing at the Museum Of Making. This event was organised following the success of the Stargazing on Cathedral Green held on the 17th April 2024, and both evenings were part of the Society's 50th Anniversary celebrations. Unlike the previous event though, the weather did not co-operate on this occasion, with overcast skies and some rain! So visitors attended our exhibition inside the Museum of Making, where people could chat to DDAS members about astronomy and space, view the Society's moon globe (which is signed by some of the Apollo astronauts), see our meteorite collection, several models of spacecraft, and view some static telescopes and other items of interest. A slide show showcasing member's astrophotography and pictures from the history of our Flamsteed Observatory, was shown continuously on a large screen during the evening. Furthermore, Donald Anderson set up a virtual reality simulation of docking with the International Space Station, and Peter Branson brought along his own astrophotography exhibit. There were three talks by DDAS members - Brian Dodson kicked off the evening by an introductory talk on the solar system and the wider universe. Then Mike Lancaster gave a talk on the night sky for October. Finally, Jim Sarsgard gave his talk on light pollution. Here is a selection of photos from the event.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: Anthony Southwell.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: Mike Lancaster

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: Mike Lancaster.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: Dave Selfe.

Credit: Mike Lancaster.

Credit: Anthony Southwell.

Credit: Mike Lancaster.

Credit: John Hill.

Credit: Dave Selfe.
