Derby and District Astronomical Society

The Moon - 5 days old

[Lunation Index]

The following image of the lunar crater Theophilus was captured by Chris Callaway on the 3rd February 2025. Also in the image are the craters Madler and Cyrillus. Chris used an 8" Meade LX200, AVX mount, ZWO ASI178MC camera and PowerMate 2.5x extender. The best 164 frames of a 500 frame video were used for processing the image in Astrosurface, PixInsight and Photoshop.  Image Credit: Chris Callaway.

This image of the Moon was captured by Peter Branson on the 5th May 2022 and is made from a stack of 500, 10 ms images taken with a ZWO ASI533 cooled colour camera together with a TS Optics Photoline f7 telescope with a Hutech IDAS light pollution filter and field flattener attached, mounted on an NEQ6 mount. A filter wheel fitted with LRGBHa filters was used to capture these images (Luminance only). The images were stacked in Nebulosity using a bright highlight on the Moon as the focus for stacking. Some slight sharpening was done in RegiStax. Peter says - "The shadows cast by the terminator on a crescent Moon can be spectacular. You can really appreciate the 3-D-ness of the Moon when the craters and mountains are highlighted in this way."  Image Credit: Peter Branson.

This image shows the Rupes Altai and was taken by Peter Branson on the 2nd April 2017. It was obtained from several 2000-frame videos. Each video was first processed in AutoStakkert and the best 10% of these frames were stacked. The resulting image was imported into Registax and, using the wavelets tool, further sharpening was applied. The video was taken with a ZWO ASI224-Cool high frame rate camera, operating at about 50 frames per second, through a Hutech IDAS light pollution filter attached to a Celestron C9.25 Schmitt-Cassegrain telescope. The telescope arrangement was mounted on an HEQ5 mount.  Image Credit: Peter Branson.

This image of the Moon was captured by Chris Newsome on the 20th June 2007. It was taken with a Canon EOS 300D camera attached to a Skywatcher 102T telescope and using a 2x Barlow. Focusing was done with an incredible device called... an eye! Two exposures (1/10 sec and 1/50 sec at 200ASA) were grayscaled and were then layered in CS2 and adjusted to bring out the different tones.  Image Credit: Chris Newsome.

The following image shows the 5.75 day old Moon and was taken by Chris Newsome on the 10th August 2005. Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina are visible on the terminator.  Image Credit: Chris Newsome.

The following set of images were taken by Chris Newsome on the 11th July 2005. To see these images with features named click here.  Images Credit: Chris Newsome.
