Derby and District Astronomical Society

The Moon - 27 days old

This picture of the Moon and Venus was taken on the morning of the 3rd December 2010 by Tony Razzell using a Fuji Finepix camera.

Chris Newsome took this picture of the Moon and Venus on the morning of the 3rd December 2010 from Ripley using his iPhone.

The following pictures of the rising 27 day old Moon were taken by Chris Newsome on the 5th March 2008. The first was taken at 06:28 and the second at 06:40 am. They were both taken with a Canon EOS 300D camera using a 200 mm lens at f/5.6. Exposure times were 1/10th and 1/160th second for the 06:28 and 06:40 pictures respectively.
