Derby and District Astronomical Society
The Full Moon
This image of the Blue Super Moon of the 30th August 2023 was captured by Malcolm Neal. He used a Sony A7RV camera with a 600mm lens, sitting on a tripod with a radio remote shutter release. Image Credit: Malcolm Neal.
This image of the Blue Super Moon of the 30th August 2023 was captured by Jim Sarsgard from Derby. Image Credit: Jim Sarsgard.
Iryna Eaton captured this image of the Blue Super Moon of the 30th August 2023 from Milan. Image Credit: Iryna Eaton.
Chris Callaway took this image of the Moon on the evening of the 8th February 2020. He used a Canon 5D with a 100-400mm lens, 1/160th second exposure at f/8 and ISO 800. Image Credit: Chris Callaway.
This photo of the 'super moon' of the 27th September 2015 was taken just a few hours before the total lunar eclipse of the 28th September 2015 by Dave Maynard, and includes the silhouette of an aircraft with contrail. Dave used a Nikon D5000 DSLR camera with a Tamron 70-300 mm lens, an aperture of F/16 and a shutter speed of 1/200 s at ISO 200. Image Credit: Dave Maynard.
Chris Newsome took the following two pictures of the full moon from Porthmadog in Wales on the 21st November 2010. He used a Canon 20D camera and a 200mm lens. As for the exposure - well he claims that is a secret! Image Credit: Chris Newsome. |
This picture of the full moon was taken by Simon Allcock at around 08:00 am the 16th December 2005 using a Fuji FinePix A330 digital camera. Image Credit: Simon Allcock. |
Simon Allcock took the following picture of the full moon on the 16th November 2005. He used a hand held Fuji Finepix A330 digital camera looking through a 32mm eyepiece on his Meade LX90. The image was then processed in Photoshop v9. Image Credit: Simon Allcock. |
This picture of the full moon was taken by Malcolm Neal on the 16th November 2005. He used a digital camera with a 70-300 mm telephoto lens. This works out at 450 mm due to the CCD size as compared to 35mm film. Image Credit: Malcolm Neal. |
Chris Newsome took the following picture of the Moon just 14 hours prior to full on the 20th July 2005. He used a hand held Minolta Z2 digital camera, a 1 second exposure at f/3.5 and 400 ASA, and an approximately 135mm telephoto setting. Image Credit: Chris Newsome. |
Here is a photo of the rising full moon taken by Chris Newsome on the 20th June 2005. He used a Minolta Z2 digital camera, 1/25th second at f/5.6, 100ASA, 380mm, and hand held from his bedroom window! A slight unsharp mask was applied in Photoshop V7. No colour correction was made - this is how the moon looked! Image Credit: Chris Newsome. |