Derby and District Astronomical Society

The Moon - 13 days old

[Lunation Index]

Jim Sarsgard captured this image of the 13 day 23 hour old Moon on the 20th July 2024. He used a Canon 1000D camera through a Skywatcher Star Travel 102 mm refractor on an alt-az mount. The exposure was 1/25th second at ISO 200. Jim quotes that it "...was a beautiful honey coloured Moon, not quite full, low in the southeast."  Image Credit: Jim Sarsgard.

Here is a single image of a 13 day old moon taken on the 5th May 2020 by Chris Callaway from Coalville using his portable set up. Technical details are ISO 100, exposure 1/125 sec, 8 inch Meade 200 LX telescope, the mount was a Celestron Advanced LX (but not tracking) and the camera was a Canon 5D. The image was processed in Photoshop.  Image Credit: Chris Callaway.

Simon Behnke took the following two images of the moon on the 21st February 2016. He used a Nikon P900 camera with the equivalent of a 200mm lens at 1/500s and F6.5 The top picture is at ISO 140 and the lower at ISO 125.  Image Credit: Simon Behnke.

This image of the Moon was taken on the 5th March 2012 by Brian Dodson using a hand held Canon 300D camera and a 70-300 mm telephoto lens at 1/15 second and f/32. Brian also owns up to 'fiddling a little on registax and gimp' with this image.  Image Credit: Brian Dodson.

The following image shows our natural satellite 1 day before Harvest Moon. It was taken by Chris Newsome on the 16th September 2005. A total of around 1500 images were taken of different areas of the moon and the individual images were stacked in Registax v3. Once each 'final' image of an area of the moon had been produced, the whole set were mosaicked together in Photoshop v7. The images were further processed so that each segment matched as closely as possible the one next to it, using un-sharp masks and curves. All of the images were taken in greyscale. Chris used a Celestron C6-N and a Meade LPI to take the images.  Image Credit: Chris Newsome.

The following two images of the Moon were taken by Chris Newsome on the 23rd January 2005 through his Celestron C6-N using a Meade LPI camera.  Image Credit: Chris Newsome.
