Derby and District Astronomical Society

The Moon - 11 days old

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Peter Branson captured this image of the crater Copernicus and surroundings on the 8th June 2014. The image was captured from a 60 second .MOV video at 30 frames/second. The video was converted to .AVI movie in PIPP (Planetary Imaging PreProcessor) and the best 500 frames were chosen. These frames were then stacked and sharpened in AVIStack2. The video was captured using a Canon 1100D attached to TS Photoline ED102 refractor telescope with TS ED x2.5 Barlow lens and Powermate x5 attached giving a magnification of about 300x.

This image of the gibbous moon was captured by Peter Branson on the 12th March 2014. It is a single image taken at 1/400th second at ISO 800. The photo was taken with a Canon 1100D attached to TS Photoline ED102 refractor telescope with field-flattener and Hutech IDAS light pollution filter attached. The image has been cropped and sharpened slightly in GimpShop.

Simon Allcock captured this image of the 11.24 day old Moon at 20:02 UT on the 9th February 2006. He used a hand held Fuji Finepix A330 digital camera looking through a 32mm eyepiece on his Meade LX90 telescope. The images was then processed in Photoshop v9 using an un-sharp mask and contrast/brightness adjustments.

The following two images of the 11 day old Moon were taken by Chris Newsome on the 14th September 2005.

The following four images of the 11.4 day old Moon were taken by Chris Newsome on the 17th July 2005. He used a Meade LPI camera attached to his Celestron C6-N. To see these images with features named click here.

The following image by Adrian Brown is a mosaic of 4 images, taken with a Skywatcher 80ED refractor and an ATK-2HS camera on the 17th June 2005.

The following three close-up images of the Moon were taken by Graham Ensor through Mike Dumelow's 8-inch Dall-Kirkham reflector using a Phillips Toucam webcam on 1st March 2004. (a): The south-east border of Mare Humorum, showing mountainous terrain in the middle of the image. Three prominent rilles are visible in the upper-right part of the image. These rilles are concentric to Mare Humorum, the Mare itself lying in darkness to the top left of the image. One of the rilles intersects the lava flooded crater Hippalus (61 km diameter) at upper right. The brightly lit terraced walls and central peak of the crater Campanus (38 km across) is at lower right. (b): Region to the south of (a). The crater Capuanus is in the lower right corner of the image with a brightly lit western rim. The smaller crater Ramsden is just right of centre with its floor in deep shadow. Ramsden appears to be superimposed on some north-south trending rilles. (c): Sinus Iridum (the Bay of Rainbows) emerges into the sunlight. The Jura Mountains form the western ramparts of this flooded impact basin, while wrinkle ridges deform the otherwise smooth lava plains of its floor.
