Derby and District Astronomical Society

Mercury in 2015

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Claire Spencer captured this image of the conjunction of Venus and Mercury from Palmones in Southern Spain on the evening of Saturday, 10th January 2015. She used a Panasonic Lumix DMC-SZ3 camera, 45mm focal length, f/5.9 and 1/8 second exposure at ISO 800.  Image Copyright: Claire Spencer.

Pete Hill captured these two pictures of Venus and Mercury on the evening of Tuesday, 6th January 2015. Both were taken using a Canon 450D camera and a Sigma 150 - 500 zoom lens, a tripod and cable release. The upper image is at 150 mm, ISO 800, F18 and 0.5 seconds. The lower image at 500 mm, ISO 800, F18 and 1 second. Both images were shot in RAW format and processed in PS6.  Image Copyright: Peter J Hill

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Please note that all images taken by members on this website are copyright of those individuals. If you would like to use any of these images please contact the .
