Derby and District Astronomical Society
2012 Meeting Programme
Date | Title | Speaker | Venue |
January 6th 7:30 pm |
Society Quiz | - | The Friend's Meeting House |
January 18th 5 pm - 9 pm |
January 20th 7:30 pm |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
January 21st 7:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
February 3rd 7:30 pm |
In the Footsteps of Flamsteed | Dr Mike Lancaster Derby & District Astronomical Society |
The Friend's Meeting House |
February 17th 7:30 pm |
INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY EVENING (A Brief Introduction to the Messier Objects) |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
February 18th 7:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
March 2nd 7:30 pm |
Black Holes, Quasars and the Evolution of Galaxies | Professor Clive Tadhunter Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Sheffield |
The Friend's Meeting House |
March 16th 7:30 pm |
INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY EVENING (A Brief Introduction to Meteor Showers and Meteorite Collecting) |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
March 17th 7:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
April 13th (note date changed from Good Friday) 7:30 pm |
A Beginner's Guide to the Moon | Chris Newsome Derby & District Astronomical Society |
The Friend's Meeting House |
April 20th 7:30 pm |
INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY EVENING (A Brief Introduction to Cosmology) |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
April 21st 8:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
May 4th 7:30 pm |
Annual General Meeting | - | The Friend's Meeting House |
May 19th 9:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
June 1st 7:30 pm |
The Centre of our Galaxy: Black Holes, Rare Stars and Cosmic Mayhem | Professor Michael Merrifield School of Physics & Astronomy University of Nottingham |
The Friend's Meeting House |
June 16th 22:00 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
Saturday 7th July 7:30pm |
Society BBQ and Observing Session (Replaces July main meeting) |
- | The Flamsteed Observatory |
July 21st 9:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
August 3rd 9:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION (Replaces main meeting) |
- | The Flamsteed Observatory |
August 18th 9:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
September 7th 7:30 pm |
Astronomy in the Medieval World | Dr. Mike Leggett FRAS FBIS | The Friend's Meeting House |
September 21st 7:30 pm |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
September 22nd 8:00 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
October 5th 7:30 pm |
Telescopes and Technology in the 20th Century | Dr Ken Elliott Elliott Instruments |
The Friend's Meeting House |
October 19th 7:30 pm |
INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY EVENING (How to Find Your Way Around the Night Sky) |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
October 20th 7:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
November 2nd 7:30 pm |
The Order of the Planets | Professor Jamie Gilmour The University of Manchester |
The Friend's Meeting House |
November 16th 7:30 pm |
- | The Friend's Meeting House |
November 17th 7:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
December 7th 7:30 pm |
The Rise and Fall of Pluto | Martin Lunn | The Friend's Meeting House |
December 21st 7:30 pm |
CANCELLED | Dr Chris Lintott The University of Oxford |
The Friend's Meeting House |
December 21st or 22nd (whichever is clear first) 7:30 pm |
OBSERVING SESSION | - | The Flamsteed Observatory |
For a location map of the Friend's Meeting House click here.