Derby and District Astronomical Society

[2006]   [2008]

2007 Meeting Programme

Date Title Speaker Venue
January 5th
7:30 pm
The Solar Neighbourhood - A Guide to the Nearest Stars Dr Colin Steele
School of Mathematics
University of Manchester
The Friend's Meeting House
January 19th
8:00 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
February 2nd
7:30 pm
Society Quiz - The Friend's Meeting House
February 16th
7:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
March 2nd
7:30 pm
A Party at Patrick's Arthur Tristram and Dave Maynard The Friend's Meeting House
March 16th
7:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
April 6th
7:30 pm
The Living Cosmos: An Exploration of Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligence. Anthony Southwell The Friend's Meeting House
April 21st
8:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
May 4th
7:30 pm
Annual General Meeting - The Friend's Meeting House
May 19th
9:00 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
June 1st
7:30 pm
Sundials - The Sky as a Clock Dr Colin Steele
School of Mathematics
University of Manchester
The Friend's Meeting House
Sunday 3rd June
10:00 am
Observatory Maintenance Work Party - The Flamsteed Observatory
June 16th
9:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
Saturday 30th June - Sunday 1st July DDAS at RELAY FOR LIFE - Moorways Stadium, Derby
Saturday 7th July
Society BBQ and Observing Session - The Flamsteed Observatory
August 3rd
8:30 pm
(replaces meeting at St. Helen's House)
- The Flamsteed Observatory
August 18th
9:00 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
September 7th
7:30 pm
Henry Norris Russell Dr Ann Bonell
Leicester Astronomical Society
The Friend's Meeting House
September 22nd
8:00 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
October 5th
7:30 pm
Exoplanets: Are we alone? The hunt for planets orbiting other suns. Dr Frazer Pearce
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nottingham
The Friend's Meeting House
October 10th
6:15 pm
Fifty Years in Space.
Professor Colin Pillinger CBE Court Room, Kedleston Road Campus, University of Derby
October 20th
7:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
November 2nd
7:30 pm
Coronal Conundra and Prominence Puzzles Dr Colin Steele
School of Mathematics
University of Manchester
The Friend's Meeting House
November 17th
7:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
December 1st
7:30 pm
EXTRA OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory
December 7th
7:30 pm
Spirit and Opportunity: A Martian Chronicle Dr Mike Lancaster
Derby and District Astronomical Society
The Friend's Meeting House
December 22nd
7:30 pm
OBSERVING SESSION - The Flamsteed Observatory

[2006]   [2008]

For a location map of the Friend's Meeting House click here.
