Derby and District Astronomical Society

Mars in 2024


This image of Mars was captured by Peter Branson on December 19th 2024 and comprises the best 250 images stacked in AutoStakkert from a 5000 frame video. The video was taken with a ZWO ASI678MC colour camera attached to a Celestron C9.25 Schmitt-Cassegrain telescope, mounted on a SkyWatcher NEQ6 mount. The image produced in AutoStakkert was further processed and sharpened in PixInsight. Mars' north polar cap can clearly be seen in the image.  Image Credit: Peter Branson.

Jim Sarsgard captured the close conjunction of Mars and Jupiter (at left) during the early hours of the 15th August 2024. The Hyades star cluster occupies the right side of the image. The two planets won't get this close again until 2033. Jim used a Canon 1000D camera on a fixed tripod with a 50 mm lens at f/2.8. The exposure was 4 seconds at ISO 400.  Image Credit: Jim Sarsgard.
