Derby and District Astronomical Society
Messier 97 (NGC 3587)
The Owl Nebula
Planetary Nebula in Ursa Major
RA 11h 14m 48s Dec +55° 01' 00"
Mike Lancaster captured this image of the Owl Nebula on the 5th February 2024. It comprises 100 x 30 second exposures taken using an Altair Hypercam 26C at 300 gain (plus darks, flats and flat darks), through an Orion Optics UK AG12 Astrograph mounted on an EQ8 mount. A 0.95x Wynne Corrector and Astronomik CLS-CCD filter were also employed. Guiding wasn't needed this time due to the relatively short exposures. Images were acquired using SharpCap, and the processing was entirely performed in PixInsight. Image Credit: Mike Lancaster.
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Dave Selfe captured this wide field view of M97 (upper right of center) as well as galaxy M108 (lower left of center) on the 26th February 2022. It is comprised of 57 x 30 s exposures taken using a Nikon D750 camera and Optolong L-Pro filter through a Skywatcher Esprit 100ED telescope. Image Credit: Dave Selfe.
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This image of M97 was obtained by Peter Branson. He stacked 34, 5-minute, one-shot colour images taken over several nights from April 25th to May 4th 2016. The images were stacked and processed in Nebulosity. The photos were taken with an ATIK 314L+ colour CCD camera attached to TS Photoline ED102 refractor telescope with field-flattener and Hutech IDAS light pollution filter attached. The telescope was guided using an Orion Mini autoguider controlled by PHD software. The telescope arrangement was mounted on an HEQ5 mount. Image Credit: Peter Branson.
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This image of the Owl Nebula was taken on the 1st March 2006 by Adrian Brown. He used a Skywatcher 80ED refractor at f7.5, an ATIK ATK16HR camera, Astronomik LRGB and CLS filters, and a Celestron CGE mount.The total exposure times were Luminance 80 minutes, Red 64 minutes, Green 64 minutes and Blue 64 minutes. 10 minute sub exposure times were used for the Luminance filter and 8 minute sub exposure times were used for the RGB filters. Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
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Chris Newsome and Adrian Brown captured this image of the Owl Nebula on the 19th February 2006. They used a Canon EOS300D camera at 400 ASA through Adrian's Celestron C11. This was fitted with a f/6.3 focal reducer and set up on a CGE mount. Guiding used Guidedog software and focusing employed DSLRFocus. An Astronomik CLS filter was also used to remove sodium light. Four images were taken at 210 seconds exposure and calibrated in Maxim DL. The resulting image was processed in CS2 using RGB levels, curves, GradientXTerminator and a highpass filter. Chris comments: "An incredibly faint object to image. When the final image was created prior to processing in CS2, the nebula was virtually invisible! The advantage of digital imaging is that you can see after a very short period of time what adjustments are needed to start to get an image with a correct exposure and this image, although not a particularly spectacular one, does give a good starting point." Image Credit: Chris Newsome and Adrian Brown.
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