Derby and District Astronomical Society

Messier 95 (NGC 3351)

Barred Spiral Galaxy in Leo
RA 10h 43m 58s  Dec +11° 42' 14"

This image of M95 was captured on the 19th April 2023 by Mike Lancaster using an Altair Hypercam 26C with an Optolong L-Pro filter, through an Orion Optics UK AG12, with a 0.95x Wynne Corrector. 60 x 1 minute exposures were used with the gain set to 100. The exposures were guided using PHD2 and an SXV Lodestar camera on a piggbacked ST80. Processing was entirely performed in Pixinsight.  Image Credit: Mike Lancaster.

Adrian Brown collected the data for this image of M95 on the 25th, 26th and 27th of March 2012 using his Celestron 5" f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain, an ATK16HR CCD camera and Astronomik Luminance and CLS light pollution filters. It is comprised of 37 x 5 minute exposures. The image also captures supernova SN 2012aw, the position of which is marked in the second version of the photograph below.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
