Derby and District Astronomical Society

Messier 71 (NGC 6838)

Globular Cluster in Sagitta
RA 19h 53m 47s  Dec +18° 46' 52"

[Messier Index]

Mike Lancaster captured this image of M71 on the 15th August 2023. The image comprises 55 x 15s exposures taken using an Altair Hypercam 26C at 300 gain (plus darks, flats and flat darks), through an Orion Optics UK AG12 Astrograph mounted on an EQ8 mount. A 0.95x Wynne Corrector and IDAS LPS-D3 filter were also employed. No guiding was used on account of the short exposures. Images were acquired using SharpCap, and the processing was entirely performed in PixInsight.   Image Credit: Mike Lancaster.

This image of M71 was taken by Chris Newsome on the 19th July 2006. He used a Celestron C8-NGT telescope with a Canon EOS 300D camera, guided by a Meade DSI camera and Skywatcher 80T telescope using a GPUSB interface and controlled with MaximDL. Six 3 minute exposures were taken at 200 ASA, and were calibrated and combined in MaximDL and processed in CS2.   Image Credit: Chris Newsome.

Adrian Brown took the following close-up image of the globular cluster M71 in the constellation of Sagitta on 28th May 2005. The image was taken with a C11 SCT at F6.3 and an ATK-2HS camera. K3CCDTools was used to capture and stack the twenty-five individual frames that were taken, each of 35 seconds exposure.   Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
