Derby and District Astronomical Society

Messier 67 (NGC 2682)
The King Cobra Cluster

Open Cluster in Cancer
RA 08h 50m 24s  Dec +11° 49' 00"

[Messier Index]

Mike Lancaster captured the following image of M67 on the 2nd April 2023. It is comprised of 23 x 4 minute subs taken with an Altair Hypercam 26C camera at 300 gain through an Orion Optics UK AG12 Astrograph. A 0.95x Wynne Corrector and Astronomik CLSCCD filter were also employed. The setup was guided in PHD2 using an SXV Lodestar and ST-80. Images captured in SharpCap and processed entirely in PixInsight.   Image Credit: Mike Lancaster.

The following images of M67 were captured by Dave Selfe on the 29th January 2022. The first is a full frame image, while below that is a cropped version showing a closer view. Dave used a Skywatcher Esprit 100ED telescope, Nikon D750 camera, and Optolong L-Pro filter. The image is comprised of 20 x 30 second exposures at ISO 800.  Image Credit: Dave Selfe.

This image of M67 was captured by Chris Newsome on the 28th February 2006. The image was taken with a Canon EOS 300D camera at the prime focus of a Skywatcher 80T refractor and comprises four 60 second frames at 800 ASA, calibrated in Maxim DL and processed in CS2. An Astronomik CLS filter was employed to reduce the sodium light pollution.  Image Credit: Chris Newsome.
