Derby and District Astronomical Society

Messier 63 (NGC 5055)
The Sunflower Galaxy

Spiral Galaxy in Canes Venatici
RA 13h 15m 48s  Dec +42° 02' 00"

The following wide field image was taken by Dave Selfe on the 26th February 2022 and shows the galaxy M63 below centre. Dave used a Nikon D750 camera with an Optolong L-Pro filter through a Skywatcher Esprit 100ED telescope. The image comprises 16 x 30s exposures at ISO 800. Dave comments: "I only managed a few subs as my power tank drained."  Image Credit: Dave Selfe.

Adrian Brown took the following image of the Sunflower Galaxy (M63) on the 18th April 2007. He used a clear infra-red blocking filter and a light pollution filter with an ATIK ATK16HR camera through a Skywatcher 80ED Pro refractor at f7.5. This was guided using an ATIK ATK-2HS camera through a Skywatcher 80T refractor. The set up was mounted on a Celestron CGE mount. The image is comprised of twelve 10 minute exposures.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
