Derby and District Astronomical Society
Messier 38 (NGC 1912)
Open Cluster in Auriga
RA 05h 28m 42s Dec +35° 50' 00"
The following images of M38 were captured by Dave Selfe on the 29th January 2022. The first is a full frame image, while below that is a cropped version showing a closer view. The open star cluster NGC 1907 is also visible close to M38 in the 7 o'clock position. Dave used a Skywatcher Esprit 100ED telescope, Nikon D750 camera, and Optolong L-Pro filter. The image is comprised of 34 x 30 second exposures at ISO 800. Image Credit: Dave Selfe.
This image of M38 was captured by Chris Newsome on the 21st October 2006. Chris used a Skywatcher 80T telescope, a Canon EOS300D camera, an Astronomik CLS filter, and a Celestron ASGT mount to take the image. This setup was guided by a Meade DSI camera through an Orion ED80Pro telescope using a GOUSB Interface and MaximDL software. Five 180 second exposures at 200 ASA were combined in MaximDL and processed in Photoshop CS2 (using RGB Levels, Curves, HighPass & Overlay, and a Gaussian blur). Image Credit: Chris Newsome. |