Derby and District Astronomical Society

Messier 37 (NGC 2099)

Open Cluster in Auriga
RA 05h 52m 24s  Dec +32° 33' 00"

[Messier Index]

The following images of M37 were captured by Dave Selfe on the 29th January 2022. The first is a full frame image, while below that is a cropped version showing a closer view. Dave used a Skywatcher Esprit 100ED telescope, Nikon D750 camera, and Optolong L-Pro filter. The image is comprised of 23 x 30 second exposures at ISO 800.  Image Credit: Dave Selfe.

Adrian Brown captured this image of M37 on the 9th December 2006. It was taken using a Skywatcher 80ED refractor at f7.5, an ATIK ATK16HR camera and a Celestron CGE mount. Astronomik RGB and a CLS filter were also used. The total exposure times for each RGB filter were red 10 minutes, green 10 minutes and blue 10 minutes, with 2 minute sub-exposure times used.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
