Derby and District Astronomical Society
Messier 33 (NGC 598)
The Triangulum Galaxy
Spiral Galaxy in Triangulum
RA 01h 33m 54s Dec +30° 39' 00"
John Hill captured this image of M33 in August 2024. It is comprised of two sets of subs, one 60 x 60 second and the other 162 x 60 second, giving a total exposure of 3 hours 42 minutes. These were taken using a ZWO 294MC Pro camera, through a Skywatcher Esprit 100 ED telescope, with a field flattener and Optolong L-Pro filter. The subs were stacked in Sirilic and processed in Siril with further processing in AstroSharp. Image Credit: John Hill.
The following image of M33 was created with data taken by Chris Callaway on the 25th November and 20 December 2020 from Coalville. The image is a composite of an RGB and a narrow band image. The narrow band image comprised 6 x 10 minute subs of Ha, and Sii, the Ha was assigned to the Red channel and Sii to both the Green and Blue channels. The narrow band image was then overlaid onto an RGB image which comprised 5 x 10 min subs of RGB. Equipment was a Takahashi 106, the camera was an Atik 16200 with Atik filter wheel and filters, the mount was a Paramount MyT. The images were stacked in Astroart with further processing taking place in Pixinsight and Photoshop. Image Credit: Chris Callaway.
Chris Newsome took this image of The Triangulum Galaxy on the 24th August 2006. It is a composite of eight 360 second exposures at 400 ASA taken with a Canon EOS 300D camera at the prime focus of a Celestron C8-NGT telescope. This was guided by a Meade DSI camera and a Skywatcher 80T refractor combination via a GPSUB interface controlled by MaximDL. Chris comments: "The position of the galaxy at the time of imaging seemed to be right in a sweet spot for the balance of the scope as there were virtually no tracking errors in Dec or RA and also, by a sheer fluke, I had managed to align the scope fairly accurately with the North Celestial Pole as drift align was almost non existent". The images were calibrated in MaximDL and then processed in CS2 just using curves and RGB levels. Image Credit: Chris Newsome.