Derby and District Astronomical Society
Messier 108 (NGC 3556)
Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major
RA 11h 11m 30s Dec +55° 40' 00"
Dave Selfe captured this wide field view of M108 (lower left of center) as well as planetary nebula M97 (upper right of center) on the 26th February 2022. It is comprised of 57 x 30 s exposures taken using a Nikon D750 camera and Optolong L-Pro filter through a Skywatcher Esprit 100ED telescope. Image Credit: Dave Selfe.
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Chris Newsome captured not only M108 but also a meteor on the 11th November 2005 as the following image shows. He pointed his Celestron C6-N with a Canon EOS 300D camera at the prime focus in the direction of Ursa Major and did a bit of star hopping to try and locate M108. He took three 60 second exposure images at 1600ASA and then stacked and dark subtracted them in K3CCDTools. Processing (gradientXTerminator, Curves and RGB Levels) was done in Photoshop v7. Image Credit: Chris Newsome. |
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Adrian Brown took the following image of M108 on the 5th November 2005. He used a Skywatcher 80ED refractor as the imaging scope at f/7.5 on a CGE equatorial mount. A C11 SCT was used as the guidescope at f/6.3. An ATIK ATK-16HR was used as the imaging camera with an ATIK ATK-2HS for guiding. Adrian also employed Astronomik Luminance and RGB filters, an ATIK Manual filter wheel, and an Orion Skyglow Broadband filter. Image aquisition was made with Artemis Capture, and autoguiding with GuideDog software. The exposures used were Luminance: 9 x 5 minutes, Red: 3 x 2 minute, binned 2x2, Green: 4 x 2 minute, binned 2x2 and Blue: 8 x 2 minute, binned 2x2. Image stacking and colour exposure combining was performed in Maxim DL 4.11. Levels, curves and unsharp mask filtering were used in Adobe Photoshop. Image Credit: Adrian Brown. |
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