Derby and District Astronomical Society

Jupiter in 2021

Jupiter appears at top left in this image taken by Malcolm Neal on the evening of the 7th December 2021. Venus is visible just above the fence to the right of the tree near the lower right of the frame, while Saturn lies roughly half way between Jupiter and Venus. The 3 day old crescent Moon completes this celestial quartet. An annotated version of the image is included below. Malcolm took the picture on his hand-held Sony A7 III camera with a 24 - 105 zoom at 24mm. He tweaked the image brightness slightly upwards. Image © Malcolm Neal.

This image of Jupiter was captured by Peter Branson on the evening of September 9th 2021. The image was obtained by combining and processing 750 separate images from a 5000-frame video. The video images were taken with a ZWO ASI224MC-Cool high frame rate camera, operating at about 50 frames/second, through a Hutech IDAS light pollution filter attached to a Celestron C9.25 Schmitt-Cassegrain telescope. The telescope arrangement was mounted on an NEQ6 mount. The video was processed in AutoStakkert and then the final image was processed and sharpened in RegiStax6. Image © Peter Branson.
