Derby and District Astronomical Society
Jupiter in 2014
Barry Ashforth captured these images of Jupiter in November and December 2014 and January 2015. Image Copyright: Barry Ashforth. |
Chris Newsome captured this view of the winter sky including Jupiter on the 29th December 2014 by the A57 at Ladybower Reservoir looking towards the Snake Pass and Manchester. It contains at least nine and a half constellations! Jupiter is to the upper left together with part of Leo, Hydra below that, and Cassiopeia to the upper right. The FOV diagonally across the frame is about 180deg. Taken with a Canon 40D, 8mm full frame fisheye lens, 4x30secs at ISO1600 (plus darks), stacked in DSS, processed in CS6. The slight Akira Fujii effect was created using IRIS software. You may have to scroll to see the whole picture! Image Copyright: Chris Newsome. |
Chris Newsome also captured this view of the winter sky including Jupiter (towards the right of the picture) on the 29th December 2014 from the A515 at Biggin, Derbyshire using the same techniques and exposures as the above image. Ursa Major can be seen in the middle of the picture. You may have to scroll to see the whole image! Image Copyright: Chris Newsome. |
This image of Jupiter was taken by Peter Hill on the 18th May 2014. It is comprised of 1000 frames taken with a Celestron NexImage 5 camera through a Skywatcher 200mm Newtonian telescope on an HEQ5 Pro mount. Stacking and wavelets were performed in Registax 6. Image Copyright: Peter Hill. |
Tony Barker took the following image of Jupiter on the 3rd March 2014. He used an Imaging Source DBK 21au618 one shot colour planetary camera with a TeleVue Powermate 5x barlow through a Sky Watcher Skyliner 250PX GOTO Dobsonian telescope. The camera was set at 60 fps, exposure at 1/60th sec, gain at 582, gamma at 100, and brightness at 63. Image Copyright: Tony Barker. |
Barry Ashforth took these images of Jupiter in January and February 2014. Image Copyright: Barry Ashforth. |
Simon Allcock took this picture of Jupiter and its four Galilean moons on the 9th January 2014. He used a Canon 600D with a Tamron 200 mm lens mounted on a tripod, a 1 second exposure at f6.3 and 800 ASA. The four moons from left to right are Ganymede, Io, Europa and Callisto. The 6th magnitude star 44 Geminorum also appears in the 7 o'clock position from Jupiter, further out than, and offset from the line of moons. Image Copyright: Simon Allcock. |
Simon Allcock also took this picture of Jupiter within the constellation Gemini on the 9th January 2014. He used a Canon 600D with a Tamron 200 mm lens mounted on a tripod, a 4 second exposure at f6.3 and 800 ASA. In this wider angle shot Jupiter's moon Ganymede can still be picked out right against the planet in the 7 o'clock position. The bright stars Castor and Pollux appear close to the left edge of the frame. Image Copyright: Simon Allcock. |
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Please note that all images taken by members on this website are copyright of those individuals.
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