Derby and District Astronomical Society

Jupiter in 2008

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The following images of Jupiter and its moons were captured by Barry Ashforth in August 2008. They show all four Galilean moons. The close up image shows the transit of the Great Red Spot, showing the amount of rotation of Jupiter in only 40 minutes.

Barry Ashforth captured the following images of Jupiter and its moons in July 2008. Io's shadow is clearly visible on the 1st July image taken at 0119 UT, together with the Great Red Spot. 15 minutes later on the 0134 UT image Io's shadow has clearly moved. Barry comments: "Compare the July 1st 0134 UT image to that of Chris's of 30th June 2008 (applying a vertical flip). He must have taken his image around midnight on the 30th June, mine were taken in the early hours on the 1st July."

This image of Jupiter was taken by Chris Newsome on the 30th June 2008. He used the Socety's 8" Meade LX90 and LPI camera. 109 frames were captured and then stacked in Registax. Slight wavelet adjustments were made in Registax before final processing in CS2. The moons, from left to right, are Io, Ganymede and Europa. Callisto is out of view to the left of the frame. The shadow of Io can just be seen as a dark 'notch' on the lowermost of the two main equatorial belts. Io went into transit across the face of Jupiter about an hour after this photo was taken.

Barry Ashforth captured the following three images of Jupiter and its moons in June 2008.

Chris Newsome took this image of Jupiter (at right) and Venus in the early morning of the 2nd February 2008. He used a Canon EOS 300D camera with a 200mm lens at f/6.3 and a 1/20th second exposure at 100ASA.
