Derby and District Astronomical Society

Iridium Flares in 2014

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Pete Hill captured these pictures of an Iridium flare in Cassiopeia on the 19th December 2014 between 16:54 and 16:55 UT. The first image shows a wide field view of the flare as the Iridium 96 satellite passed through Cassiopeia, while the second is a close up of first. The flare was predicted to reach magnitude -8 in brightness. Pete used a Canon 450D camera with a Canon 15mm fisheye lens, ISO 400, F10, and a 35 second exposure. The camera was set up on a tripod with a remote cable release. the image was shot in RAW format and processed in PS 6. Pete also captured a 16 second video of the event using a Canon Legria FS406 on a tripod with manual focus and exposure, AWB and 25f/s, edited in Videobrowser SD. The video may be downloaded here.  Image © Pete Hill

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