Derby and District Astronomical Society
IC 1848
The Soul Nebula
Emission Nebula in Cassiopeia
RA 02h 55m 24s Dec +60° 24' 36"
[IC Index]
In December 2024 Chris Callaway revisited the Soul nebula data he originally processed in February 2021, to further enhance the processing of the SHO image in the Hubble Palette (top) and also to process the image in the Foraxx palette (bottom). Image Credit: Chris Callaway.
The following images of the Soul Nebula were created with data taken by Chris Callaway on 17 February 2020 and 28 February 2021 from Coalville. The image comprises 12 x 10 minute subs of Ha, Oiii and Sii. Equipment was a Takahashi 106, the camera was an Atik 16200 with Atik filter wheel and filters, the mount was a Paramount MyT. The images were stacked in Astroart with further processing taking place in Photoshop. In the Hubble palette image Sii was assigned to Red, Ha to Green and Oiii to Blue. In the second image Ha was assigned to Red, Oiii to Green and Sii to Blue. The nebulosity on the right of the image is from the Heart Nebula. Image Credit: Chris Callaway.