Derby and District Astronomical Society
IC 1396 and the Elephant's Trunk Nebula
Emission and Dark Nebula in Cepheus
RA 21h 39m 06s Dec +57° 30' 00"
[IC Index]
The following image of IC1396 and the Elephant's Trunk Nebula was created with data taken by Chris Callaway on the 20th and 21st September and 3 November 2020 from Coalville. The images comprise 10 x 10 minute subs of Ha, Sii and Oiii. Equipment was a Takahashi 106, the camera was an Atik 16200 with Atik filter wheel and filters, the mount was a Paramount MyT. The images were stacked in Astroart with further processing taking place in Photoshop. The image had Sii assigned to Red, Ha to Green and Oiii to blue. The levels of the individual Red, Green and Blue channels were then stretched to roughly the same size from dark to light before manipulating the colours to create the Hubble palette. Image Credit: Chris Callaway. |
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The following two images of IC1396 and the Elephant's Trunk Nebula were created with data taken by Chris Callaway on the 20th and 21st September 2020 from Coalville. The images comprise 5 x 10 minute subs of Ha, Sii and Oiii. Equipment was a Takahashi 106, the camera was an Atik 16200 with Atik filter wheel and filters, the mount was a Paramount MyT. The images were stacked in Astroart with further processing taking place in Photoshop. In the top image Ha was assigned to the red channel, Oiii to the green channel and Sii to the blue channel. The second image uses exactly the same data as the top image but with Sii assigned to Red, Ha to Green and Oiii to blue. The levels of the individual Red, Green and Blue channels were then stretched to roughly the same size from dark to light before manipulating the colours to create the Hubble palette. Image Credit: Chris Callaway. |
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IC 1396 is a large complex of emission and dark nebulosity in the constellation Cepheus. One of the dark nebulae in the complex has been named the Elephant's Trunk Nebula due to its appearance. Adrian Brown captured this image of The Elephant's Trunk Nebula in IC 1396 in June 2008. To create the image he captured 15 x 20 minute exposures using a Skywatcher 80ED refractor, William Optics 0.8x focal reducer, Atik ATK16HR ccd camera and an Astronomik 6nm Hydrogen-Alpha filter. The raw data was calibrated (bias and flat-field) and stacked via Maxim DL. The stacked image was then processed in Photoshop using Levels and Curves. A light Gaussian Blur filter was used to smooth noise in the dimmest parts of the image. Image Credit: Adrian Brown. |
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