Derby and District Astronomical Society


The Twins

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Simon Allcock took this picture of the constellation Gemini (with the planet Jupiter shining brightly within it) on the 9th January 2014. He used a Canon 600D with a Tamron 200 mm lens mounted on a tripod, a 4 second exposure at f6.3 and 800 ASA. In this wide angle shot Jupiter's moon Ganymede can still be picked out right against the planet in the 7 o'clock position. The bright stars Castor and Pollux appear close to the left edge of the frame.

This picture of Gemini was taken on the 21st February 2009 by Chris Newsome from the Flamsteed Observatory. He used a Canon 400D camera, 18 mm lens, and 30 seconds at 100ASA.

Barry Ashforth took this picture of Gemini on the 28th September 2006 at around 02:00 UT from the dark skies of North Wales.
