Derby and District Astronomical Society
Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner in 2018
Peter Branson took the following image and a video of Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner over the 15th-16th July 2018. The short video sequence is made up of 31 JPG images (each just over 3 minutes long) collected together in Windows Live Movie Maker - with each image shown for 0.2 second. The separate images were taken with an ATIK 314L+ colour CCD camera attached to TS Photoline ED102 refractor telescope with field-flattener and Hutech IDAS light pollution filter attached, using Artemis Capture software. Each image was enhanced using 'curves' and 'levels' in Nebulosity. The telescope was guided using an Orion Mini autoguider controlled by PHD software. Peter comments: "Comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner will be visible in the northern hemisphere for the rest of the year and it is increasing in brightness over the coming months. At the moment (July) it is moving from Cygnus to Cepheus and will be heading towards Cassiopeia by the end of the month. The comet is about 100 million kilometres from Earth. This seemed a good opportunity to try and capture some of the movement of the comet - weather permitting. The 'static stars' image shows the movement of the comet through the star background over the period shown." Image and video © Dr Peter Branson.
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