Derby and District Astronomical Society

Caldwell 31 (IC 405)
The Flaming Star Nebula

Reflection and Emission Nebula in Auriga
RA 05h 16m 12s  Dec +34° 16' 00"

[Caldwell Index]

This image of the Flaming Star nebula was taken by Chris Callaway on 24, 25 and 27 February 2019 using a Takahasi 106ED and ZWO 1600M camera with Baader LRGBHa filters. Integration time was 6.5 hrs. The image was processed in Astroart and Photoshop.  Image Credit: Chris Callaway.

Adrian Brown took this image of the Flaming Star Nebula (Caldwell 31/IC 405) in Auriga over a few nights in December 2006 and January 2007. It was created from ten 30 minute exposures through a 6nm Astronomik hydrogen-alpha filter. For imaging Adrian used an ATIK ATK16HR camera through a Skywatcher 80ED Pro refractor at f7.5. This was guided using an ATIK ATK-2HS camera through a Skywatcher 80T refractor. The set up was mounted on a Celestron CGE mount. Also see the nebula IC 410 which is part of the same complex.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.
