Derby and District Astronomical Society

Caldwell 20 (NGC 7000)
The North America Nebula

Emission Nebula in Cygnus
RA 20h 58m 48s  Dec +44° 20' 00"

[Caldwell Index]

This wide field image in the constellation of Cygnus shows the North America Nebula at upper centre with the Pelican Nebula at right of centre. It was captured by Dave Selfe on the 11th August 2022. It is comprised of 67 x 30 second exposures taken with a Nikon D750 (CMOS) camera at ISO 400 and Optolong Multi-Narrowband L-eNhance filter through a 61mm Willliam Optics Zenithstar apochromatic refractor. This setup was mounted on a Sky-Watcher EQ6-R PRO mount.  Image Credit: Dave Selfe.

Dave Selfe captured the following image of the North America Nebula on the 18th July 2021. It is comprised of 10 x 30 second exposures at ISO 1600 using a Nikon D750 camera and Esprit 100 telescope.  Image Credit: Dave Selfe.

This image of the North America Nebula was created with data taken by Chris Callaway on 27 Oct and 08 Nov 2019 from Coalville. The image comprised 8 x 10min subs of Ha and 6 x 10min subs of Sii and Oiii with 6 x 10 min subs Luminance added at 25%. Equipment was a Takahashi 106, the camera was an Atik 16200 with Atik filter wheel and filters, the mount was a Paramount MyT. The image was stacked in Astroart, PixInsight was used for Dynamic Background Extraction and SC Noise Reduction with further processing taking place in Photoshop. Ha was assigned to the red channel, Oiii to the green channel and Sii to the blue channel. Image Credit: Chris Callaway.

Adrian Brown took this wide field image of the North America Nebula (Caldwell 20/NGC 7000) and the Pelican Nebula (IC 5067-70) on the 23rd July 2006. The Pelican Nebula lies to the right (just west of) the North America Nebula as seen in this picture. Six 15 minute exposures were captured through a 13nm Astronomik Hydrogen Alpha filter via an ATK16HR CCD camera and a Pentax 50mm SLR camera lens at f/4. A Celestron CGE mount was used throughout, auto-guided via the program GuideDog and a Skywatcher 80T refractor and ATK-2HS CCD camera. Image acquisition and stacking was done in Maxim DL 4.53. Post processing was performed in Adobe Photoshop and consisted of Levels and Curves, a high pass filter to sharpen the image and selective use of the Gaussian Blur filter to smooth the background noise. Image Credit: Adrian Brown.

Here is a close up image of the North America Nebula (Caldwell 20/NGC 7000) and the Pelican Nebula (IC 5067-70) taken by Adrian Brown on the 23rd July 2006. The Pelican Nebula lies to the right (just west of) the North America Nebula as seen in this picture. Eight 5 minute exposures were captured through a 13nm Astronomik Hydrogen Alpha filter via an ATK16HR CCD camera and a Vivitar 135mm SLR camera lens at f/4. A Celestron CGE mount was used throughout, auto-guided via the program GuideDog and a Skywatcher 80T refractor and ATK-2HS CCD camera. Image acquisition and stacking was done in Maxim DL 4.53. Post processing was performed in Adobe Photoshop and consisted of Levels and Curves, a high pass filter to sharpen the image and selective use of the Gaussian Blur filter to smooth the background noise. Image Credit: Adrian Brown.

Here is a close up image of the 'wall' or 'gulf' region [Panama? - webmaster] of the North America Nebula (Caldwell 20/NGC 7000) taken by Adrian Brown on the 10th June 2006. Ten 20 minute exposures were captured through a 6nm Astronomik Hydrogen Alpha filter via an ATK16HR CCD camera and a Sky-watcher 80ED refractor at f/7.5. A Celestron CGE mount was used throughout, auto-guided via the program GuideDog and a Skywatcher 80T refractor and ATK-2HS CCD camera. Image acquisition and stacking was done in Maxim DL 4.53. Post processing was performed in Adobe Photoshop and consisted of Levels and Curves, a high pass filter to sharpen the image and selective use of the Gaussian Blur filter to smooth the background noise. Image Credit: Adrian Brown.

The faint ghostly presence of the North America Nebula can just be made out against the rich milky way star field of Cygnus in this image by Chris Newsome. Chris took the image on the 19th November 2005 using a Canon EOS300D camera piggybacked on a Celestron C6-N with a CG-4 mount. The image comprises eight 210 second exposures. The camera was set and 200 mm and a skyglow filter was used. Stacking was done in K3CCDTools and (heavy) processing was done in CS2. Image Credit: Chris Newsome.

Chris Newsome took this image of The North America Nebula and surroundings in Cygnus on the 17th November 2005. He used a Canon EOS300D camera with a 55mm lens and light pollution filter. The camera was piggybacked on a Celestron C6-N with a CG-4 mount. The image comprises eight 5 minute exposures at 1600ASA, which were stacked and dark subtracted in K3CCDTools and then processed in Photoshop v7 (GradientXTerminator, curves and RGB levels). The bright star at the centre of the image is Deneb and the North America Nebula (so named because of its shape) lies above it - on its side with 'Central America' at left! Just below the North America Nebula (in the 11 o'clock position from Deneb) lies the fainter Pelican Nebula (IC 5067-70). In the 7 o'clock position from Deneb in the lower-left portion of the image is the star Sadr (Gamma Cygni). This is surrounded by a complex of emission nebulosity designated IC 1318. Image Credit: Chris Newsome.
