Derby and District Astronomical Society

The ISS in 2020

The week beginning 22nd March 2020 saw the International Space Station (ISS) making visible passes over the UK in the early evening, passing through Orion, then the Hyades in Taurus and finally past Venus and the crescent moon. Here is an animation of its path through Orion on the 22nd March at approx. 20:28 UT taken by Pete Hill. It comprises 3 images taken with a Canon 450D camera and Sigma 18-250 zoom lens. This was tripod mounted and a shutter release cable used. The focal length was 26mm, aperture F/10, speed ISO 800, and a 25 second exposure was used. The images were processed in Photoshop CS6 and animated using Jasc Animation shop.  Image © Pete Hill.

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