Derby and District Astronomical Society
Site Map
Past Events
Partial Solar Eclipse - 1st August 2008
The Relay For Life at Moorways Stadium, Derby - 5th July 2008
DDAS Sponsored Walk - 17th May 2008
DDAS Observing Session - Flamsteed Observatory - Saturday 16th February 2008
DDAS Observing Session - Flamsteed Observatory - Saturday 20th October 2007
Flamsteed Lecture - 10th October 2007
DDAS Observing Session - Flamsteed Observatory - Saturday 22nd September 2007
DDAS Observing Session - Flamsteed Observatory - Friday 4th August 2006
The Relay For Life at Moorways Stadium, Derby - 17th to 18th June 2006
Thornbridge Outdoors - 14th March 2006
Observing Session with the Brownies - 16th November 2005
Flamsteed Lecture - 12th October 2005
Deep Impact Carries DDAS Name - 4th July 2005
DDAS Barbecue at The Flamsteed Observatory - 2nd July 2005
DDAS Sponsored Walk - 14th May 2005
DDAS Observing Session - Allestree Park - 16th April 2005