Derby and District Astronomical Society
Child Protection Policy and Procedures
The Policy and Procedure applies to:
All members of the Derby and District Astronomy Society (DDAS)
Guests of members of the DDAS
Visitors to DDAS activities
The DDAS does not have any members, or actively recruit young people, under the age of 16 years. However, the DDAS encourages young people to take an interest in science, generally, and astronomy, in particular.
The DDAS welcomes young people as guests to its activities, and therefore, needs to be prepared for the possibility that they will be joining us from time to time, to talks and to look at the night sky. It is expected that young people be accompanied by a familiar adult, but we cannot guarantee that such adults will attend, or be mature, responsible people. The DDAS has a duty of care for young people who attend the activities of the society, so we must also prepare for the possibility that a young person is unaccompanied.
While DDAS talks take place in a reasonably safe environment, observing sessions present specific difficulties for the care,
and therefore the protection, of young people. Observing takes place:
It is highly unlikely that a young person will come to harm while engaged in DDAS activities, but if the worst happens and we
are not prepared, then the episode could be even more harmful to the young person – and may be very detrimental to the society.
Please read the Policy and Procedures. They are very sensible precautions, and will help us to feel far more comfortable about the prospect of encouraging young people to take an interest in Astronomy.
Where to find the Policy and Procedures
DDAS members - in the Member's Area. If you need an account please contact the
Guests and visitors – available via any Committee member.