Derby and District Astronomical Society

1991 - 2017


The following sequence of images were taken by Adrian Brown on a visit to Iceland on the 13th October 2017. Adrian comments: "A G1 class solar storm was in progress when I took these photos from a place called Kerið which is a volcanic crater lake in southern Iceland. The aurora wasn´t too colourful this time, with mostly green hues, but it was bright and fast moving and completely filled the sky from horizon to horizon on the night of October 13th. This was probably the best show of Northern Lights that I´ve witnessed to date even though the Icelandic tour guides I was with didn´t seem too impressed!" The photos were taken with a Sony A7S2 camera and a 18mm f2.8 lens at ISO3200 with exposure times ranging between 0.5 seconds and 1.6 seconds.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.

Adrian Brown captured the following pictures of the Northern Lights from Flekkuvik outside Reykjavik, Iceland on the 17th October 2016. Adrian comments: "Unfortunately, the weather was not the best as the remains of the hurricane which hit Haiti arrived at Iceland during my stay but I got one good night to observe the lights and take some pictures and I got lucky because the clear skies coincided with a solar storm hitting the Earth. The light show was pretty spectacular!" All the pictures were taken using a Canon 760d and Sigma f3.5 10-20mm lens at 10mm. Exposure times were between 2 seconds and 6 seconds at ISO1600.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.

The following sequence of images was captured by Adrian Brown on the 14th April 2016 from Reykjavík, Iceland. The first two pictures are of the aurora over Faxaflói bay and Mount Esja. The third is looking straight up at the Plough with the aurora overhead. The final two photos are of the aurora over downtown Reykjavík and the harbour area when the display was at it´s brightest - Adrian commenting that "it actually looked like this naked eye and visibly danced across the sky in realtime. I was truly amazed and nearly forgot to take any photos!" All the pictures were taken with a Canon 760D and a Sigma 10-20mm f3.5 lens with 8 second exposure times at ISO800.  Image Credit: Adrian Brown.

Chris Newsome captured this view of a dim aurora borealis from an aircraft as he flew back from the USA in August 2012 south of Iceland and crossing over to the daylight terminator of the earth.  Image Credit: Chris Newsome.

DDAS member Mike Dumelow took these pictures of what is probably the auroral display of the 8-9th November 1991 from Ticknall, South Derbyshire. He notes how interesting it was that the seagulls were flying in a Plough shaped formation!  Image Credit: Mike Dumelow.
